Wood Green Common logoWood Green Common


  • Community Engagement






    Three rounds of community engagement and detailed designs created for Wood Green Common
  • Plant Fostering at Engagement Event

    July 2023




    July 2023

    Big Engagement event where plant fostering scheme starts
  • Planning Application Submitted

    October 2023




    April 2024

    Planning application to build the Multi Use Games Area in partnership with the Football Foundation submitted
  • Planning Application Issued

    12 April 2024




    End date

    Permission to build Multi Use Games Area
  • Plant Fostering Scheme in Schools Begins!

    May 2024




    March 2025

    Black Rootz delivering workshops with students from Heartlands Academy, Alexander and St Pauls Primary Schools
  • Works Start onsite

    July 2024




    March 2025

    Works to refurbish Wood Green common start, Multi Use Games area followed by Play area